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Henefer Utah
Located on the historic Mormon Pioneer Trail...
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Application for Existing Water and Sewer Services
Property Address:*
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Select One:*
If you are a renter please list the landlords name and phone number:
Date Purchased or Rented:*
To the Town of Henefer, UT: The undersigned hereby applies for water and sewer services from Henefer Town for the property address listed above and hereby agrees to pay charges for such water usage and sewer service *
as fixed by the Town Council of Henefer by ordinance or resolution, until such time as I shall direct such service to be discontinued. *
In the event of failure to pay for such water and/or sewer services which are billed as combined utility billings within the due dates therefore fixed by the Town Council, or of a failure of the occupant/owner of such premises to conform *
to the ordinances and regulations established by the Town Council governing the use of the utility systems, the Town shall have the right to discontinue the water service until all delinquencies and any reconnection fees imposed are paid in full *
or until the said failure to conform to the ordinances and regulations of Henefer Town is eliminated. *
Additionally, I agree that Henefer Town shall have the right to intitute colelction proceedings by all means available to it, including suit in court of proper jurisdiction. The applicat agrees to pay all costs of collection, including court costs *
and attorney's fees. The undersigned agrees to be bound by the rules, regulations, ordinances and resolutions enacted or adopted by the Henefer Town Council applicable to the Town's water and sewer systems. *
Print Signature:*
Todays Date:*
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