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Henefer Utah

Located on the historic Mormon Pioneer Trail...



Building Permit Fees:

Building Valuation: Cost per square foot based on the table below:

Residences (single family and townhouses)

                              200 – 1300 = $ 98.95                 1901 – 2000 = $105.88                      2601 – 2700 = $112.80

                              1301 – 1400 = $ 99.94                2001 – 2100 = $106.87                      2701 – 2800 = $113.79

                              1401 – 1500 = $100.93                2101 – 2200 = $107.86                      2801 – 2900 = $114.78

                              1501 - 1600 = $101.92                2201 – 2300 = $108.55                      2901 – 3000 = $115.77

                              1601 – 1700 = $102.91                2301 – 2400 = $109.83                      3001 & up   = $116.76

                              1701 – 1800 = $103.90                2401 – 2500 = $110.82

                              1801 – 1900 = $104.89                2501 – 2600 = $111.81


Garages: $37.87 per square foot.

Decks: $5 per square foot.


Building Fees:

  1. Agricultural Buildings:$6 per $1,000 of valuation or fraction thereof.
  2. Commercial Structures built per the IBC: Fees calculated at a rate of 0.0075 (3/4 of 1%) of the construction valuation.
  3. Minimum fee: $25
  4. Residential Structures built per the IRC: Fees calculated at a rate of 0.0075 (3/4 of 1%) of the construction valuation.
  5. Minimum fee: $25

Plan Review Fees:

  1. Agricultural Buildings: No fee
  2. Commercial Structures: 65% of building permit fee
  3. Residential Structures: 65% of building permit fee
  4. Detached garages with no living space, decks/porches for existing structures, and accessory buildings: 15% of building permit fee

Electrical & Mechanical Inspection Fees:

  1. $101.00 for inspection of electrical, solar, or mechanical.


Deposit for standard plans                                                          200.00

Deposit for modular or manufactured homes                             100.00

Other structures                                                                           25.00

Planning Fees

Pre-application Fee                                                                   100.00

     (To be applied to formal application fee)

Sketch Plat Review                                                                  100.00 per plat

Preliminary Plat Review                                                             50.00 per unit

Final Plat Review                                                                     500.00 per plat

Revision to Final Plat                                                               250.00 per plat

Subdivision Amendment                                                          250.00         

Conditional Use Permit                                                           150.00

Board of Adjustment                                                               150.00

General Plan Amendments                                                    250.00

Zone Changes                                                                       250.00

Code and Map Purchases

General Plan                                                                             5.00

Development Code                                                                 25.00

Zoning Map                                                                      By size

Special Meetings                                                                  100.00

Annexation Fee                                                                    500.00

Water Fees

Connection Fee:

Individual Home                                                                 1500.00

Commercial                                                                        2500.00

Outside Town                                                                     3000.00 and 3 acre feet of Franklin Water

Water Base Charge (up to 15,000 gal/mo)

Residential                                                                           $ 35.00

Commercial                                                                          $48.00

Reduced Rate (vacant 3 months)                                        $10.00

Overage 15,001  - 30,000 gal/mo                                        $  3.00 per 1,000 gallons

Overage 30,001 – 45,000 gal/mo                                        $  4.00 per 1,000 gallons

Overage 45,001 – 60,000 gal/mo                                        $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons

Over 60,001 gal/mo                                                             $ 6.50 per 1,000 gallons                    


Reconnection Fee                                                                 50.00

Concealment Charge                                                            25.00


Sewer Fees:

Connection Fee

Each unit                                                                            1600.00

Outside Town                                                                     3200.00

Sewer Fees:

Monthly rate                                                                          20.00

Reduced Rate (vacant 3 months)                                           7.00


Business License     

Business License Fee                                                          25.00


Town Facilities

John’s Park                                                                            25.00 per day

Camp Trailer                                                                          15.00/night

Town Park Residents                                                             25.00 (refunded if left clean)
Town Park Non-Residents                                                     25.00 per day

Concession Booth                                                                  bid out yearly/summer use only May 1st to Sept. 30th

Non-resident                                                                          25.00 per day

Rodeo Arena

Arena Fees:

All Day-No Lights

Residents                                                                                     150.00

Non Residents                                                                              200.00

All Day -With Lights                                                                    

Residents                                                                                      250.00

Non Residents                                                                              300.00

Concession Booth                                                                           50.00 per day

Cleaning Deposit                                                               500.00 (refundable if facility is clean when finished)

Annual Passes

Resident (No charge)

Single Adult                                                                                100.00

Couple                                                                                        150.00

Family                                                                                         250.00

Student                                                                                         80.00

Senior (65 and older)                                                                    80.00

Group (4 Adult Passes)                                                              350.00

Professional Pass (Training/Lessons)               $400 Standard Rate


Monthly Pass

Resident (No Charge)

Daily Pass                                                                                       10.00

Monthly Pass                                                                                   50.00


Opening Graves                                                                Summer                                 Winter (11/1 - 3/31)

     Grave Opening                                                               $400.00                                    $550.00
     Saturdays/Holidays                                                        $500.00                                    $650.00
     Sundays                                                                         $600.00                                    $750.00
     Ashes                                                                             $150.00                                    $150.00

Non Resident:                                                                       
      Grave Opening                                                             $500.00                                    $700.00
      Saturdays/Holidays                                                      $600.00                                     $800.00
      Sundays                                                                       $700.00                                     $900.00
      Ashes                                                                           $150.00                                     $150.00

Purchase Lots

Resident    (Someone that resides in Henefer)                     $ 400.00 per grave

Henefer Valley  (Someone who lives outside
Henefer Town limits, but still resides in the valley )               $500.00 per grave

Non-Resident  (Someone who once lived in
Henefer or who has a relation to Henefer,
but does not currently live here)                                             $1000.00 per grave  

No Relation to Henefer   (If there is no relation to 
Henefer a person can be buried in the Henefer
Cemetery for a fee of $3000.00, part of which
will cover the cost of perpetual care.                                      $3000.00 per grave  

Disinterment                                                                           $1000.00